Davies Defuses Crises
We minimize damage by managing the message and the messenger - on your own team, in the media, and within government agencies. We help you avert a poor response to unexpected events by ensuring you are prepared. When a crisis does occur, we get your story out quickly and effectively, and work to frame the discussion in the direction that best complements the business.
The Davies Approach to Crisis Abatement
Bad news sells, but you can take the wind out of the crisis tornado by responding to the “right issues,” instead of trying to counter the human-interest drama. We have built a network of partners, including industry spokespeople, lobbyists, and media experts, who specialize in handling these issues quickly and seamlessly.
We coordinate separate responses for varying audiences, including government agencies, families or neighbors, and the general public. We shift the focus from what has happened, to why or how, and then publicize your plan and proactive next steps.
We use the power of traditional, digital, and social media to quickly restore stakeholder and public confidence. We bring the media in the front door, which is to say we present the bad news quickly and completely. Cutting the media out is counter-productive — it slows the flow of facts and often leads them to look to other, less-reliable, less-controllable sources of information. With proper management and messaging, your company’s candor and compassion, acceptance of responsibility, and plans for resolution become the primary story.